Instructions To Clean Rust,
Orange Battery Stains and Fertilizer Stains From Concrete:
1. Pre-Cleaning: Power wash
concrete using a commercial grade pressure washer, degreaser and surface
cleaner. An alkaline concrete cleaner may be used. Rinse well. Cleaning
the concrete first will open up the pores of the concrete and allow F9 BARC to
soak in deeper and remove more of the orange battery stain than just applying
F9 BARC alone.
2. After initial pre-cleaning,
let the concrete dry completely.
(1 PART WATER TO 2 PARTS F9 BARC) apply F9 BARC through pump up sprayer
liberally and evenly to the entire pad of concrete. Do not “spot spray”
on your first application. Use a circular overlapping spray motion. Spray from
one side of the concrete pad to the other using a fine mist up to a uniform
spray. High pressure low volume at 60-70 psi is recommended. Apply from control
joint to control joint on the entire pad of concrete. Apply a bit more product
on the areas with more staining. Apply as evenly and as thick as possible
without letting F9 BARC run down the concrete. If F9 BARC does run down the
concrete leave it alone. F9 BARC should begin to turn white and foam slightly.
4. Let concrete dry. Stains
will disappear as concrete dries.
5. If spots remain follow
directions in #3 again. If not, proceed to #7. It is better to go heavier on
the first application and lighter on the second application. On the second
application you may use less product on the areas with less staining and more
product on the areas with stains remaining. It is acceptable to mist-spray on
this application.
6. Let concrete dry. Stains
will disappear as concrete dries.
7. A natural by-product of the
reaction of this product and the concrete are light and dark mineral salts. Wet
the concrete with water to reactivate the F9 cleaner. While wet, lightly broom
the concrete to help F9 penetrate the concrete even deeper. Do not let concrete
dry. Rinse LIGHTLY with a pressure washer to remove remaining surfactant. Do
not use a surface cleaner here. Allow concrete to dry completely and evaluate
Instructions To Clean Various
Sealed Concrete, Concrete Coatings, Clay Pavers,
Tile, Painted Metal, Aluminum (not polished or chrome), Stainless Steel,
Interior Pools and surfaces that do not allow water to penetrate. Dilute F9
BARC 2:1 (two parts Water to 1 part F9. This makes 3 gallons of F9 from 1
gallon of concentrate. Spray a rate of 400 - 800 ft. per gallon. A light
brushing with a soft or medium truck brush may be required. Do not let F9 Dry
and rinse immediately following disappearance of stain.
Semi Porous Substrates
Stucco, Plastic, Vinyl, Asphalt, Stone and
others. Dilute F9 1:1 to 2:1. Spray at a rate of 400 - 800 ft. per gallon. Do
not let product dry and rinse immediately following disappearance of stain.
Porous Substrates
Concrete, Bricks and Pavers. Require a heavier
concentration due to porosity and the need for deeper penetration. Dilute F9
1:2 (1 part water to 2 parts F9). Spray at a rate of 400 - 800 ft. per gallon.
This applications requires F9 to DRY INTO the concrete and lock in. Follow
instructions listed on product and watch all F9 videos before application.
Always Apply F9 through a Pump-Up Sprayer or the
F9 Hand-Carry Electric Applicator Sprayer.