Pre-Cleaning: F9 GroundsKeeper (F9 GK) is a highly concentrated cleaner to use after your initial cleaning/degreasing. If existing oil and hydrocarbon stains are present, it is recommended to clean those stains with F9 Double Eagle Degreaser first. Once you can see the concrete pores below the stain then apply F9 GK to surface (at recommended dilution ratio) and surface clean. This will get the concrete set up for maintenance cleaning with F9 Groundskeeper.
Dilution Ratios (Water to Product):
For Use on Concrete, Bricks, Pavers, Most Tile, Stone, Grout and Masonry Hard Surfaces.
Initial Cleaning: 8:1 to 10:1. Pre-wet surface with water and spray on. Use more concentrated for heavily soiled areas and less concentrated for less soiled areas. Always surface clean after application.
Maintenance Cleaning: 10:1 to 20:1. Pre-wet surface with water and spray on. Use more concentrated for heavily soiled areas and less concentrated for less soiled areas. Always surface clean after application.
Cleaning Instructions:
Direct Application: Pump Sprayer, Electric or Air Diaphram
Dilute F9 Maintenance Cleaner at recommended dilution ratios (Water to Product). Always add product to water, NOT water into product! Dilution will depend on how dirty the areas are. Product may be diluted up to 20:1. Dwell 2-10 minutes and surface clean. Brushing may be useful on stubborn areas.
Downstream Application
Downsream application is OK, but make sure final dilution of product is 10:1 up to 20:1 to meet dilution guidelines above.
CAUTION! Never use F9 Groundskeeper undiluted or get undiluted product on porous surfaces. F9 Groundskeeper may etch surfaces at strong dilutions. ALWAYS perform a test to confirm compatibility.